Category Archives: Ways to help


Be the Voice

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute. Proverbs 31:8


Advocacy is speaking for those who cannot; it is about being a champion for a cause. Use your voice to speak for the shut in, the children, the disabled, or those in medical or financial crisis. When we collectively promote the impact we make as a community it becomes a call to action to make a difference. Ways to advocate:

  • Tell your family and friends about United Way of Screven County and what we do.
  • Write a letter to the editor, we need people who are passionate about our community and those in it.
  • Support the various fundraising events held by United Way of Screven County or those held by generous and caring groups to support United Way of Screven County.
  • Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates and information.


Be the Help

"Never worry about numbers.

Help one person at a time,

and always start with

the person nearest you."

Mother Teresa


Thank you for considering a donation to United Way of Screven County. Supporting United Way is investing in Screven County. Your money will not go to some huge metropolis or some small village halfway around the world. You will see and feel the difference you can make. You will not just hear the success stories from third party sources to convince you to donate; you will be able to observe firsthand and direct the course of your impact.


(Coming Soon) Donate Online – with google wallet or paypal

Please include special instructions or indicate agency of your choice


Download a Donation Form to print and send with your check Click HERE to download the form.

P.O. Box 27

Sylvania, GA 30467


If you would like to donate “In Honor” or “In Memorial” please include the Honoree’s Name, Donor’s Name(s) and designate an address or funeral home to send certificate.


Be the Change

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.

You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer,

you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.  ~Author Unknown


Give the gift of you. Volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering please complete our volunteer form

Your Name (required)

Your Phone Number (required)

Your Email (required)

Describe your volunteer interests and skills

When are you available to volunteer

Questions or Comments

Would you like to be put on our call list for occasional big event volunteers? yesno

Please answer the simple quiz in order to submit